
Children Need Their Parents

Children need their parents, but right now unfair UK rules are keeping refugee families apart and leaving vulnerable children alone when they need their parents most. This video explains why our government refuses to change these unfair rules.

Without My Mum

Without My Mum, created by award-winning stop motion animation director, Catherine Prowse, tells the story of a mother and her young son whose familiar, loving relationship changes forever when the threat of violence forces the mother to make a devastating decision: stay in their home as it quickly becomes a conflict zone, or protect her child and get him to safety – any way she can.

Trees of Home

To celebrate National Poetry Day 2019 we teamed up with illustrator Axel Scheffler and the Islington Centre for Refugees and Migrants Art and Writing Class to tell the story of one mother’s longing to be reunited with her family.

Family Free Zone

Separating families is a ridiculous idea. To prove it we set up a Family-Free zone on the South Bank in London. This is what happened.

The Undeniable Wonder of Family Life

Everyday family life is wonderful, but refugee children separated from their families don’t just miss out on big moments like birthdays and starting school, they also miss out on the everyday stuff too. That’s why we created an everyday living room in a box and families of all shapes and sizes volunteered to spend an hour inside just doing what they do.

Help Keep Families Together

‘When I hugged him it was like hugging the whole world’. Watch one mum’s story of being reunited with her son.

Surviving to Thriving

Watch refugee children and young people talk about being forced to leave their homes and the impact of being separated from their families.

Bring refugees #FamiliesTogether

Watch our first campaign film created ahead of the second reading of the Private Member’s Bill in 2018.