2022 Together at Last: Supporting refugee families who reunite in the UK
A report from the British Red Cross revealing the challenges faced by refugee families after reuniting in the UK, and proposing solutions.
2021 Refugee family reunification in the UK: Challenges and prospects
A report from the British Red Cross demonstrating the negative impact of separation from family members on the well-being of refugees and their ability to integrate. The report makes recommendations to bring families together.
2020 The long road to reunion: Making refugee family reunion safer
A report from the British Red Cross showing how the family reunion process often puts vulnerable people in danger. The report recommends ways to make family reunion safer.
2020 Cuts that cost: The impact of legal did cuts on refugee family reunion
A report commissioned by the Families Together programme examining the impact of removing legal aid from refugee family reunion cases. The report recommends that refugee family reunion is brought back into the scope for legal aid.
2019 Without my family: The impact of family separation on child refugees in the UK
A joint report from Amnesty International UK, the Refugee Council and Save the Children exposing how the UK Government’s policy on refugee family reunion is damaging the lives of children in the UK, and revealing how its justifications for the policy are insubstantiated.
2019 Destination anywhere: The profile and protection situation of unaccompanied and separated children
A report from the UN’s Refugee Agency detailing the profile and protection situation of unaccompanied and separated children in the UK. The report also explains the circumstances which separated children to seek refugee in the UK.
2019 “A refugee and then…”: Participatory assessment of the reception and early integration of unaccompanied refugee children in the UK
A report from the UN’s Refugee Agency detailing refugee children’s experiences on arrival in the UK. The report recommends ways to improve children’s experiences and outcomes.
2019 Putting the child at the centre: An analysis of the application of the best interests principle for unaccompanied and separated children in the UK
A report from the UN’s Refugee Agency mapping the current approach to the consideration of the best interests of unaccompanied and separated children seeking asylum in the UK.
2018 Safe but not settled: The impact of family separation on refugees in the UK
A joint report from the Refugee Council and Oxfam showing the negative impact of family separation on refugee integration in the UK.